Professionally bad sex

Open thread to discuss your fun and interesting penis facts.
To continue sending people to their deaths under these circumstances is worse than pointless, worse than irresponsible. It's a crime of the most grievous kind.
Amen. And, may I add, it would be nice to see the responsible parties punished for their crimes?
Technorati tags: bob herbert, Iraq War, Condi Rice
"A gathering place for stampers - meet and talk with other members of the community, check out the gallery where you'll find tons of categorized samples, share your own stamping creations, catch up on the latest news, tips & techniques, or find out about upcoming events and happenings."You probably won't think the Beyond Cards Art Gallery is as cool as I do, but check it out. I always knew defunct CDs could be put to good use. FindaStamp is an alphabetic directory of rubber stamping websites rated by users. And because this is, after all, my blog . . . Fifteen minutes into searching for pornographic rubber stamps, I began to wonder if you stampers never think about stamping the nasty. But here are some tame male nudes (work safe). Physicians use anatomical rubber stamps to help them draw diagrams of a patient's pathology; you could, if you were so minded, buy those stamps here (sorry, no pix). Onward, onward in my search for rubber stamp penises. Did you know Rasputin's penis was allegedly thirteen inches long, and is currently owned by the Russian Museum of Erotica? While you're at that site (the Museum of Hoaxes), check out this story:
The phrase 'penis-melting Zionist robot combs,' while not widely known, does seem to be growing in popularity. The phrase refers to a mass panic that swept through Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, in September 2003. The people of Khartoum feared that a Satanic foreigner was going around shaking hands with Sudanese men and thereby causing their penises to melt upwards inside their body. In one case a man reported that he was approached by a stranger at the market. The stranger handed him a comb and asked him to comb his hair. "When he did so, within seconds... he felt a strange sensation and discovered that he had lost his penis." The Sudanese journalist Ja'far Abbas interjected a note of scientific rationality into the growing hysteria by making this observation in his column in the Saudi daily Al-Watan:
No doubt, this comb was a laser-controlled surgical robot that penetrates the skull [and passes] to the lower body and emasculates a man!! I wanted to tell that man who fell victim to the electronic comb: 'You jackass, how can you put a comb from a man you don't know to your head, while even relatives avoid using the same comb?!' ... That man [i.e. the mysterious stranger], who, as it is claimed, is from West Africa, is an imperialist Zionist agent that was sent to prevent our people from procreating and multiplying.Go, International Jewish Conspiracy! I love you guys. Happy belated birthday, Sis. D.
"This is worth the fight," Senator Russell D. Feingold, a Wisconsin Democrat who serves on the Judiciary Committee, said in an interview.
"I've cleared my schedule right up to Thanksgiving," Mr. Feingold said, adding that he was making plans to read aloud from the Bill of Rights as part of a filibuster if necessary.
Go for it, Senator Feingold! Hell, make all the bastards miss Turkey Day. It's worth it, all right.
Shout for my wife:
Karen has written an interesting post on her late father's rather odd past. His life story seems like something out of Vonnegut (a la Mother Night) or John Irving. Check it out.