Friday, June 10, 2005

A rogue Xavierist is trying to put me down.

For a brief, glorious instant, I topped the charts over at BlogHop, pushing hunky Xavier from his number one spot. I knew it couldn't last, and I was right. Some Xavier-loving fanboy has given me an "I hate it!" vote to drop my rating. Yea, verily, I say unto you: science fiction fans, don't take this lying down! I don't want you to counterattack -- Xavier has far too many votes for that tactic to be effective. Besides, he's kind of cute, and if I swung that way I'd spread him on my toast, and from what I've read of his blog he's a good, kind-hearted human being, and far be it from me to suck up to his fans to keep them from nuking me even further because, after all, they're good, kind-hearted human beings too. No, I have a simple request. If you haven't clicked on the green smiley face on the BlogHop icon, please do so. Tell a friend about Shatter and get your friends to vote for me, too. Right now I'm at 91%. Except for that B+ I got in Spanish in 9th grade, and one crummy quarter of organic chem, I've never been that low. Save me, my loyal minions. You're my only hope. Type A personalities should not be allowed to blog. D.


Blogger Gabriele Campbell said...

Hey, that guy has a LifeJournal for crying out loud, how can he get points on Blogspot?

6/10/2005 06:42:00 PM  
Blogger Douglas Hoffman said...

Because it isn't a Blogspot rating system -- it's BlogHop. Anyone can join BlogHop.

6/10/2005 07:55:00 PM  
Blogger Xavierism said...

Bon dia!

Hi, I'm Xavier. What a great title for a post. I'm of the Xavierites lead me to your post. It's too bad that you were knocked from the top spot on Bloghop. It's the only time and place I hate being on TOP! HA

I get tons of gay bashing votes so if I'm not at the numberone spot, I don't get as many. Sad, but true.

Anyway, I wish they'd have give me a vote as well! Bum boo bum! I'll be shure to vote for seem like a great guy...kewl blog, too. Take care and have a great weekend!

By the way, there's nothing wrong with Livejournal!


6/11/2005 06:23:00 AM  
Blogger Gabriele Campbell said...

Lol Xavier, of course not. I have both a Blog and a LJ and they are both addictive and I spend way too much time on my friends site or checking other blogs. :)

6/11/2005 06:56:00 AM  
Blogger Motherhood for the Weak said...

Well I rated you, I think it worked. I didn't know about bloghop--interesting site.


6/11/2005 12:04:00 PM  

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